The main goal of the Green Climate World project, which was created within the scope of combating global warming and which is thought to be the cause of a global impact, stems from the desire to leave a livable world heritage to future generations.
Scientists, who frequently state that we should take an active role in studies on the protection of nature and natural life, underline that we need to focus on this issue with precision.
The famous businessman Yaşam Ayavefe, who has been on the agenda with his works on the protection of nature and natural life since his young ages, plays an active role in the initiation of a global social responsibility project due to his desire to leave a livable world heritage for future generations.
The main element of the study, which aims to plant trees on every single earth of the world, is to make the world a better place, which is the only planet we think supports life.
The principles and objectives of the project, which is closely monitored by international community organizations, are both appreciated and supported by many people.
In this study on nature protection, the fact that every little detail has been taken into account gives us promising information about the basic elements of the project. In the study, which is planned to be monitored instantly, any possible problem can be solved instantly.
Let’s protect nature, let our hopes green ..